SmartFloor’s core technology is a thin-film piezoelectric device that harvests energy from occupant footfall to power wireless sensors that save energy and collect data! This self-powered wireless network and controls system solves many problems endemic to traditional wireless or tethered occupancy sensing systems including expensive battery cost and replacement time, cabling cost, poor accuracy, and lack of system integration capability. SmartFloor is the new frontier to sustainable development and the future of data. Among some of the benefits to our end user are:
POWERleap, and partner in wireless sensing, Civioncs LLC, are currently developing SmartFloor with funds from the National Science Foundation SBIR program. The companies are currently implementing SmartFloor pilots with customers with matching Phase 1B funds. For this project, custom SmartFloor mats will control individual, custom or track lighting capable of saving customers energy and money when occupants are not present, and track data on traffic. Please inquire with us about pilot and custom development opportunities: [email protected]